+ Green Infrastructure + Urban Ecology

Town of Caledon


The Town of Caledon was in the process of reviewing its Official Plan policies pertaining to environmental protection and heritage conservation. Stage 1 of the Review work study program included the completion of two background studies: this Environmental Background Study; and a Cultural Heritage Background Study. The purpose of the Environmental Background Study and the Ecosystem Planning Goals, were to recommend a framework for an ecosystem based masterplan. The computerized (GIS Systems) utilized for this study, revealed a natural environment in the Town of Caledon which is both extensive and unique. The sustained health and integrity of this natural environment contributes to the maintenance of air quality, surface and sub-surface water quality and quantity, biological diversity and quality of life.  This ecosystem plan would ensure the long term, sustained health and integrity of the town’s natural systems and provide Caledon’s communities with a meaningful, ongoing participation, in the environmental planning, management and decision making process.
